

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Gardens and Parks, Easter Lily, Penny Lee StewArt

"Easter Lily" ATC, watercolor and pen
Well, it is a flower, and it grows in somebody's garden, just not mine.  I am working on ATCs for ACEO TW APR which has a theme of Easter.  My dog Lily is named after this flower, because she was born on Easter Sunday about 11 years ago.  I will be posting Ladies in Easter Bonnets on my blog at the end of the week for PPF Paint Party Friday, but they are neither garden related nor vacation themes.  So, here is my last one for this month.  I have so enjoyed this challenge.  Thanks, Lynn.


  1. What a beautiful lily! I love lilies and such a sweet name for your dog!

  2. Wonderful. I love the contrast between light and darks :-)

  3. Penny, this is lovely!!! It looks so spring filled!!! Nice light on the lily itself. I'll have to remember to come over and see your other Easter ATCs.

  4. A lovely mingling of colors inside the flower!

  5. Thanks, everyone! I am working on the vacation theme now. Should be fun.

  6. And a very beautiful, and colorful Lily it is! Are you packed? Ready to go? Where will you take us on vacation I wonder? See you there. Glad you enjoyed the garden theme.

  7. Your lily has a very striking and elegant feel to it. Blessings!


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