

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Animals, Rose and Amelia, Jez Eden

Two silly pieces as my last offering for the animals theme.  First of all there's Rose with what I call one of my doodle doggerel verses:

Marker Pens on pre-painted sketchbook background - Jez

She's a Camephant and her name is Rose,
Four humps, twisty tail and an oversized nose.
Rose lives in the desert as everyone knows
Where the land is dry and nothing grows,
And she wears her boots wherever she goes -
She just can't bear getting sand between her toes!

And then there is Amelia the cow, sketched on my I-Phone and the words added with an app called StampIt:


  1. Sweet Jez. Like both of your offering for theme.

  2. Thank you Carole, I'm glad you like them.

  3. Hee hee, very nice Jez! I like Rose and Amelia! In your sketch of Amelia you show such a good understanding of how a cow is "made up" - very neat to see.

  4. Thank you Margaret for that observation. When I was about 11-15 I used to go and work on the farm next door (free, and hard work but fun), and I used to milk some of the cows, but by hand then of course. Such a wonderful thing to experience, and I have a great fondness for cows. In Lancashire here in England the land is very very flat and mainly vegetable growing, so we don't have many sheep or cows where we live. Very sad.

    1. Ah, no wonder! :) What a neat experience, Jez.

  5. LOL, funny! I especially love the poem!

  6. Great fun - love your imagination :-)

  7. Jez these are so cute!! I like your poetry to go with the Camephant!

  8. Your poetry sheer delight and the drawings are perfect descriptions of what you wrote! Adorable. A children's book waiting to be written and illustrated!


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