

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Friday, August 29, 2014

Selfies and Others, "My Family", Lynn Cohen

On our recent road trip to Portland where we visited our son and his wonderful wife, and two of his three children I drew every day. I drew with my three year old grand daughter who told me who to draw. Here is a two page spread of drawings of the family. Top: husband, soon to be 21 year old grand daughter, She and her man friend, my dear daughter in law, and the baby of the family. Bottom: my husband reading a book.

A mix of water soluble colored pencils, ink, and watercolors and markers. And a lot of fun!

Three more days of "Selfies and Others" and then we are on to drawing flowers!
We need more suggestions please for future themes ... We have run out so make suggestions or I will have to do it all myself! I like the group input here! Thanks, Lynn


  1. Love these pages Lynn. You really manage to capture people and their activities.

    1. Thanks Ann. I love drawing people and what they are doing!

  2. Lovely pages, Lynn, You have been so buzy, I am really impressed of your energy. And of course of your pages, which are so living and full of people and stories.Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Sirkka. I am busy having fun that's for sure! Glad you enjoy these pages.

  3. LOVE the art journal!! Great captures!

    I did list some suggestions before, ( maybe you didn't like them? lol ) however I will list some more :)
    still life of art supplies, shoes, fantasy, your home, stack of something ( books, cups, pots ) fruit

    Also, I would like to have my blog linked up to my name please:

    1. Sandee I am so sorry if I neglected to add a previously suggested theme. If it's not included here please tell me again.

    2. I have now added your wonderful suggestions for up coming themes to the sidebar and added the link to your blog! Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

  4. Here's a few to add to your list..... I don't have a blog... just an avid sketcher!!! Just ideas... these may or may not appeal to you!!!
    Monuments(ie: Statue of Liberty), Sculptures (ie: Venus de Milo, The Lincoln Memorial, carved things), Things found in the Ocean (ie: sea creatures, plant life), Seeds and Pods, Insects, Statues (ie: gnomes, angels, yard ornaments), Plant Life (ie: trees, bushes, not flowers.. it's already been done), Favorite Toys or Games as a Child, Famous Bridges, Transportation (planes, trains, cars, boats), Things Children Love

    1. Thank you Emie58, these are wonderful ideas for new themes. I will copy them down and add some now! Our list is growing. We may have enough for the coming new year!

  5. Here's a few more...
    Famous Mascots (Mr. Clean, Ronald McDonald)
    Things that Make Noise (whistle, violin, motor boat)
    Famous Logos (Superman insignia, Hello Kitty, Shell sign)

  6. Lynn I love these pages. Your use of colour has become really striking in the last year -- and composition on the page! (Sketchbook Skool influence, no doubt!)


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