

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

More Clothes on More People, Lynn Cohen

I really have fun drawing the clothing on my People! I liked using two colored pencils for the purple sweater/and chair (red and blue); and checkered shirts are always a slow challenge in patience; check out that guys blue visor, and the gal's two toned green sweatshirt. There's always a fashion show at Starbucks!


  1. There's a lot of detail in that checkered shirt!

  2. Well done. Much is happening there.
    Happy PPF xx

  3. your sketches are all so beautiful Lynn. you have improved so much! you are an inspiration!

  4. your sketches are all so beautiful Lynn. you have improved so much! you are an inspiration!


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