

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Musicians, Stanley Street, by Elaine (jaguarish)

I just realised some of my sketches from February also fit the musical theme.  Brisbane City Council sponsors free games in an outdoor space on Friday nights, and the sketch group went along hoping to sketch some game players.  It turned out that there were ping pong tables (action too fast to catch), Connect 4 games with clusters of beanbags (all occupied so we couldn't sit near without looking like stalkers) and some free music.  So I started by sketching the musicians.  However, their set ended shortly after we arrived, so we moved into a nearby jazz cafe where we enjoyed sketching more musicians.  Their showiest instrument was the triple-necked guitar -- I've never seen another before or since.



  1. Lovely sketches Elaine, and I specially love your masterly ink sketches. Wonderful.

  2. Elaine, these are nice! It is hard to catch them directly in ink but you seem to have had no problem at all. I really like how you captured the feel in the last two sketches.

  3. Nice Elaine really nice sketches. I agree with Jez and Joan.

  4. Those black and white ink gesture sketches are awesome! Less is more. Amazing.

  5. Fantastic sketches, so much movement! I've just come across this blog from and would love to join in. My email address is


    1. Clare I have sent you an invite! Welcome and we look forward to your art here!

  6. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your kind words. Been loving everyone's responses to this theme - musicians are so dynamic and usually full of character!

  7. Your brush pen (I think is what you used on the bottom ones) ROCKS!!!! I feel the motion and the mood in your drawings! Awesome.

    1. Thanks Lynn, it felt all evening as if I couldn't quite hit my stride, until I did the last one shown above. (It was done with a Copic ciao brush pen.) Sometimes it's so hard to push through when every sketch feels not quite right...


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