

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Friday, April 4, 2014

Time Away from Home; Vacation and Holidays; Guia Fortress by Elisa Choi

pen and watercolor

We climbed the Guia Hill to reach the Guia Fortress where we saw this chapel and lighthouse. According to Wikipedia, Guia Fortress is a historical military fort, chapel, and lighthouse complex in the St. Lazarus Parish. These were constructed after an unsuccessful attempt by the Netherlands to capture Macau from Portugal.

It's a good thing that the weather was cold at that time and we didn't sweat a bit. We climbed lots of stairs and walk and walk and walk on steep roads and even some rocky surfaces. There were plenty of trees and the view above is wonderful. This is quite a historical feature. :)


  1. What an unusual place to have a chapel and lighthouse together like this. Love your painting Elisa :-)

  2. Lovely drawings and painting of the chapel and lighthouse. Like Ann, I have never seen a chapel and lighthouse together. Sounds an interesting place to go.

  3. Nice painting of the lighthouse and chape, Elisa. You got a lot of exercise when you climbed up.

  4. Great sketch of the lighthouse and the chapel. Nicely done! Sounds like you have very active vacations. lol

  5. Interesting story to go with your lovely watercolor, Elisa!

  6. Thanks a lot everyone! Yes it's a rather unusual setup but history always has its say. Yes we did have a heck of exercise and good thing is that the wind is cool! :)


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