

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gardens & Parks, Camellia House Sketches by Joan Tavolott

Happy Spring!!!

Since today marked the beginning of spring I decided I had to see some flowers. The Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay has a Camellia House and the flowers usually bloom from February into March. I had hoped to get there earlier, but every time I planned to go it snowed, and then I was away. Although many of the camellias were past their prime there were still some lovely ones to sketch...enough that I'll treat you to more tomorrow. I really loved the pink/red ones and these are two different varieties. It was warm enough in the greenhouse that they had the side doors open, so while I sketched I had a nice breeze and the sun was shining through the glass of the greenhouse. I debated about sketching outside too, but it was a little too damp and chilly, so I'm glad I had the indoors instead. These were done directly in watercolor without any pencil sketching.


  1. Oh wow, I miss my Camelia trees. We had 3 many years ago. They bloomed beautifully. Your work is excellent Joan. Great job.

    1. Thank you. The camellia trees there were so pretty. What colors were your blossoms?

  2. Beautiful flowers and beautiful paintings too.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit - love your painting, these flowers are gorgeous :-)

    1. I've been there before when the camellias were blooming, so I really wanted to get there. I'm glad I was able to sketch them. Thanks!

  4. I am so impressed, wow, just paint!! So beautiful, Joan!! Wow!!

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I try every once in a while to ditch the pencil, but it is sort of attached to my hand. lol

  5. These are so lovely, Joan. Thank you!

  6. lovely ! pink florals are always my favorite.

  7. Happy spring joan! Wow thanks for the treat! These are beautiful!

  8. Joan, your camellias are superb, so beautiful and you have painted them excellent! Wow! What is next when the summer is here (there):)

  9. Thanks Margaret, Kat, Elisa, and Sirkka!

  10. Wonderful watercolor sketches Joan!

  11. Gorgeous camellias, very expertly painted.

    1. Thanks. Flowers used to scare me...not I will paint anything. lol

  12. Beautiful flowers! I just started using a pencil more often. Before I just painted and if I needed a bit of detail at the end I added it with permanent fine point pens.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I usually sketch in pencil first especially if there is anything architectural. I do like to challenge myself once in a while and go pencils and eraser less. lol


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