

What we love, cherish, wish for. What the highlights of 2017 have been.
(Suggested by Bev Baird)

Update : We are now keeping Themes for a WHOLE MONTH

Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Early Life and Times of Lynn Cohen" Time Away From Home, Lynn Cohen

[Taken directly from my photo album of pictures taken in 1961-2. First the front of the ship we took from NY to Gibraltar.]

 I left California with a girlfriend from high school by car with two guys she knew at the University of Berkeley. The four of us drove a car across country to deliver to a teacher of hers in Washington, DC. We had fun in New York before Cathy and I boarded a ship, The Leonardo Di Vinci, for a two week voyage to Spain. Her sister was living at the time in a beautiful Villa on the Mediterranean Sea.  I stayed there ten days. (In the second photo I am wearing a huge orange sweater I bought in Mexico).

Cathy and I were supposed to travel on to Greece and Europe together. But she was not ready to leave.  So I decided to travel to Israel by myself. (Train to Marseille, France, boat to Israel). We were to meet up later in Greece. But she met a guy in Spain (an American folk singer) and I met a guy in Israel. (a farmer on a Kibbutz) and we both got married. It's what young women our age were supposed to do I guess, but I think we were supposed to go to college to find the guys, not in countries far from home. But she and I were a little eccentric for our times.

[Note Wedding Photo: that my face cannot be seen behind the wedding veil the fabric was so thick. The veil and dress were made for me on the Kibbutz]

The wedding was held outdoors in the Orthodox rabbi's back yard. There were kids playing soccer in the background. An Israeli flag on four poles was our Chuppa overhead. The ceremony was in Hebrew and I did not understand a word of it. That's why perhaps ten years later I figured it was okay to end it. But it had some good outcomes. A son born in Israel in 1964 and a daughter born in USA in 1968. And now that first husband who lives in the USA with his second American wife and I share five grandchildren. All's well that ends well.


  1. Lynn.... Just wanted you to know how much pleasure your art and your blog bring me.... Your drawings are just wonderful.... and full of life!
    Thanks for sharing, Emie

  2. Love the story! It is fascinating. Love the veil thing too. Is it true?You put on a smile on my face. Thanks for brightening my day Lynn!

  3. enjoyed your sketches very much; have a nice Saturday

    much love...

  4. I love the stories that accompany the artworks in this theme. You have had such an exciting life, and you were certainly an adventurous girl for those days. Love the montage of the sketches.

    1. Thanks Jez. I do believe I created a mostly fun life for myself.

  5. I'm loving reading about "the early years"! Keep 'em coming! (I love the art, too, of course).

    1. Thanks Susan, Must go peruse the albums to see what's next.

  6. It's so nice to hear the story of your travels - you were a very brave girl to travel like that mostly on your own to Israel. Great job on the drawings from your photo album Lynn :-)

    1. Thanks Ann. It was great fun. I always met nice people and was always treated with the utmost respect. Joy d'viv!

  7. Wow! Quite a story! At least you're all in the same country now, right? :) Thanks for the bio! The art is great, too!

    1. Thanks Lisa, NOW we are all in the same country and only one state away from each other. (Son, DIL and three grandchildren are in Portland, Oregon; first husband, his wife and her kids/grands are all there too; Daughter, SIL and two grandkids close by in California to us) It all works fine. Glad you like the art too.

  8. Interesting story and good illumination to it.You were really eccentric and brave and trusted in your self! Great! Then you got a good life, I am happy for you.

  9. Oi Vey! Such a story! Love the details in the drawings and the art. You should write a book. Oh, that's right. You did. Well, another one of your life story, with drawings and funny stories.

    1. You are too funny. Another book? The kids will get the art journals. LOL

  10. Lynn, I love these pictures and the way you've laid them out here. And I always love hearing your stories from your life! Keep 'em coming! :)

  11. How exciting Lynn. Love your drawings.

  12. What a great way to preserve the past for the future with these sketches of your trips. I like your little window boxes on one page too.

  13. I love how you did small sketches to include so many events in your life. I love the story and the adventures you had.

  14. lovely sketches lynn and i really like the cool you in jacket. enjoying your adventures and what an outcome! Glad all is well. :)


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